That got me thinking. I am months away and already looking for a cop out? I need something more binding... something more motivating. That is when I found Running For Rescues, a way to combine my passion for animal rescues and marathon training into one.
Running For Rescues is a non profit organization dedicated to saving lives of shelter animals around the country.

Taken from their site:
"Here’s what we’re gonna do with the money you raise. We’re going to give it to small, grassroots organizations (that may or may not have 501(c)3 status) which are on the frontlines - people pulling animals out of shelters before they are put to sleep. The cost associated with their efforts can be staggering! Your money might be used for shots, spay/neuter, transport, boarding, or food while the animal is being fostered.
Ever wonder what happened with your $50 donation you sent to the ASPCA or The Humane Society? While these are both great organizations, they are corporate top-heavy. We don’t get paid here. With Running for Rescues, you’ll actually be able to see how the money that has been raised is spent. We will post pictures of the dogs and cats that we help to rescue with funds that you ran for (or tri-d for). "
Ever wonder what happened with your $50 donation you sent to the ASPCA or The Humane Society? While these are both great organizations, they are corporate top-heavy. We don’t get paid here. With Running for Rescues, you’ll actually be able to see how the money that has been raised is spent. We will post pictures of the dogs and cats that we help to rescue with funds that you ran for (or tri-d for). "
Olive and I are perfect for the charity.
Olive is my shelter dog that I rescued almost two years ago and she runs almost every mile with me. Instead of going to a pet store or a breeder and spending close to $1,000 if not more, I gave an amazing dog a home for free. She is the most loyal and amazing dog I have ever met and could not imagine training for this race (or doing just about anything else) without her.
Now that I have a charity to help out, and the support (financially and emotionally) from my friends and family, I am going to cross that finish line crawling if I have to. I set a goal of $500 and I am already at 575! I suppose its time to up my goal and raise more money for these shelter animals.
If you are interested in supporting my marathon training and this amazing organization- Please visit my fundraising page! No amount is too small and every dollar helps! Click here to donate!
You can also head to their site and buy t shirts, hoodies, and make donations. Head on to their site and consider Running For Rescues :)
Click here to see their site!
If you can't donate (as a poor 25 year old I know money can be tight). PLEASE consider adopting your next pet or maybe even fostering for your local shelter/rescue.
P.S. Today is World Stray Animals Day! Take some time today to show your compassion by sharing, volunteering, or educating someone about needy animals ♥ April 4 is the worldwide celebrated day to give special attention to the 600.000.000 stray animals in the world.
Recycled dogs are the best dogs-
I Promise!
Thanks to all of my friends who have donated already! You are all so amazing and I am so lucky for all of your support :)
If you can't donate (as a poor 25 year old I know money can be tight). PLEASE consider adopting your next pet or maybe even fostering for your local shelter/rescue.
P.S. Today is World Stray Animals Day! Take some time today to show your compassion by sharing, volunteering, or educating someone about needy animals ♥ April 4 is the worldwide celebrated day to give special attention to the 600.000.000 stray animals in the world.
Recycled dogs are the best dogs-
I Promise!
Thanks to all of my friends who have donated already! You are all so amazing and I am so lucky for all of your support :)
Tom and Pam Great cause, great runner, GO KATIE! | $50.00 |
Dive Buddy You go girl! | $50.00 |
Thatcher Katie beats me. Anyone want a cat? | $50.00 |
Marissa Can't wait! Will be there to cheer you on! | $25.00 |
Janusz Dziurzynski | $25.00 |
Sarah Robertson Go girl, go!! You are supporting a great cause...Amelia is throwing in a few pennies here too! | $25.00 |
Matt P | $25.00 |
Stacie Seidman | $25.00 |
Loray Paul Best of luck, to you & Olive! | $25.00 |
Sean Murphy and Kristina Koncewicz | $40.00 |
Jonathan Dwyer | $40.00 |
Kristen Yay Katie! | $30.00 |
Hannah Storton | $25.00 |
Liz Can't wait to cheer you on every mile of the way! | $20.00 |
Christine Adanti | $15.00 |
Chris | $50.00 |
Rachel Pope The one cause I will ALWAYS donate to! | $20.00 |
Katie Arruda | $10.00 |
Tracy Montalbano |
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