Well, it's my first post of 2020 and I have been a little MIA in the way of social media.
Why? It's painfully simple - I've been living my life. Like spending time with family, friends, Adam, our dogs, and my horse. I've been working on the house and planning some big events for 2020. It's been less on the adventure/travel parts of life, and more of enjoying the moments, getting things done around the house, and not worrying about blogging or life between the squares.
That gap between the holidays is closing and I am back to planning adventures. I am heading to Utah and Wyoming next week to ski and in the meantime, I'm working on old posts that never quite made it into 2019.
This lobster shack review? It's a summer treat that is making it's way to Katie Wanders in the dead of winter. No, the lobster shack isn't open right now but yes, I am beyond excited to talk about shellfish and buttery rolls even if January is bitter cold and the idea of eating outside is a distant memory.
This lobster shack review? It's a summer treat that is making it's way to Katie Wanders in the dead of winter. No, the lobster shack isn't open right now but yes, I am beyond excited to talk about shellfish and buttery rolls even if January is bitter cold and the idea of eating outside is a distant memory.