The ability to cut down my own tree at an adorable farm in December was something I really missed the last two years. While living in Salt Lake City, you can really only get pre-cut trees unless you can get a state permit to cut a tree through land management agencies like the BLM or other forestry departments. Living in my apartment I wanted the cut tree experience, but really didn't have the supplies to be chopping down a tree in the middle of a National Forest. What this meant is that the last two years in Utah, we headed somewhere with a mass amount of cut trees like Lowe's to pick up our already-dead-needles-everywhere Christmas tree. A few days after bringing it home, our poor tree was losing needles faster than I could sweep them. I missed that hype of selecting and cutting a tree, that piney smell in my house, and our pre-cut tree barely made it to Christmas Day.

Yes, I could easily avoid the hassle and just grab a fake tree at the store and solve my Christmas tree woes. But if you are an all-natural Christmas tree fan it is hard to stop cold turkey and go the artificial route. And I must say, I have some solid reasons for sticking to this Christmas tradition:
- Storage! when you live in an apartment with no storage and tend to move a lot, hauling around a fake tree is just one more thing to put in the moving van. They take up a lot of room and the fewer holiday items I have to store and move, the better.
- You miss the fun outing! Think hot cocoa and sleigh rides with Christmas music. What better way to get in the holiday spirit?
- It's more environmentally responsible. Artificial trees are actually less environmentally friendly.