The weather out here in Salt Lake City is bizarre.
After a week of 90 degree hot sunny days (at the end of September) the weekend came with a vengeance. The scariest thunderstorm's Friday night and non stop rain all the way through Sunday.

Like non stop rain from Friday evening until mid-day Sunday. There was something about the rain, and being away from family and friends in this foreign city that really made me homesick. And it took me a little bit to get out of this pity party (a run wine and champagne helped!) It took reminding myself that my family and friends (and the ocean and horses) will always be there, just waiting to come back.
Suck it up buttercup,
and enjoy this opportunity.
Well, it was a little harder to enjoy in the rain as Saturday was a complete wash.
So what is a homesick girl to do?
Earlier in the week, Thatcher and I went to Whole Foods for a few things. Olive got to hang out in the "Barking Lot" while I grabbed a few random things (pumpkin beer and ground bison included).
(Another reason to love Whole Foods)
I saw the bison and immediately thought Chili. A friend had made chili earlier that week that started the craving. Pair that with rainy weather and fall and I was sold on bison chili. Saturday evening I googled "Bison Chili" and found this wholefoods recipe. I mainly followed the recipe but made a few modifications.
Wholefoods Bison Chili Recipe Original recipe in this link
Here is my modified recipe-
I added more cumin, black beans, salt pepper and hot sauce
and used the full 1 lb package of ground bison.
If you follow the Whole Foods recipe exactly it is 4-6 servings and:
Per Serving:250 calories (25 from fat), 2.5g total fat, 0g saturated fat, 35mg cholesterol, 180mg sodium, 36g carbohydrate (13g dietary fiber, 12g sugar), 24g protein
If you follow mine there are more servings and more calories.
But it is still a delicious lighter chili with a lean meat.
So I looked at my package and read... wait a minute.
I remember hearing when I went to Jackson Hole
that there are no buffalo in North America.
I remember hearing when I went to Jackson Hole
that there are no buffalo in North America.
Only Bison.
So I googled Bison vs. Buffalo did a little "research".
Tomato "Tomahto", Bison Buffalo...
we just throw the names around a bit here.
It is "Bison"
Now moving on!
Heat a large Dutch oven or pot over high heat. When the pot is very hot, add bison and brown it, stirring often for 5 minutes. Add onion and carrot, and cook, until both begin to soften, about 5 minutes. Add 1/2 cup water to deglaze the pan, scraping brown bits from the bottom of the pan as the water evaporates.
Add cauliflower, bell pepper and garlic and cook until vegetables begin to soften, about 5 minutes. Add cumin, chili powder, vinegar, tomatoes and beans along with 1 cup water. Bring to a boil; reduce to a simmer, cover and cook, stirring occasionally, until vegetables are fork tender, about 45 minutes.
Serve garnished with chopped cilantro.
Look cool and enjoy!
I had a bowl of chili, Thatcher had two bowls, and we still had a lot of chili leftover.
Two containers went in the fridge (for leftover chili and chili dogs) while one went in the freezer for a cold winter night. Labeling the containers with the name and date also ensure leftovers are used and in time!
I really enjoyed this chili. It was tasty filling and a little different which I loved.
If you can't find bison, feel free to throw in ground beef.
If you want to keep it lean, try ground chicken or turkey.
Happy Fall Friends!