
Friday, May 27, 2022

Charles River Running Path, Boston, MA

2022 is the year that simply put, work got crazy. 

I started a company in 2020 a few months before we found out I was pregnant and right when the pandemic was in full force. After working from home for a few months, the small company I worked for decided we all had to come back into the office, pre-vaccine. The second stipulation was my dog was no longer allowed to attend. She had been there with me from the day I brought her home as a 10-month-old puppy and 9 years later, the rules had changed.  The "office" was a windowless trailer in a warehouse where 3-5 people would work. Safety measures at the time were two pieces of tape to make "social distancing" in our tiny trailer and I would have to bring Olive to daycare every day. 

I felt it was unsafe to return to this kind of environment and frankly, there was no need. The world was adapting to remote work and it was working really well. Having people back in the office seemed to be a matter of control and it simply wasn't safe. 

I always wanted to start my own consulting business focusing on a small sector of the environmental consulting industry. I decided a recession and global pandemic was a terrible time but also the push out of the security nest I needed. I gave my notice and got to work creating a company. 

The first year was slow and I focused on the logistics like the website, insurance, taxes, and logos. The second year I had a newborn and took a few small jobs with the idea that "I would let work find me" while I took a maternity leave. Six months into my maternity leave I decided it was time to grow the business and I actively reached out to other companies and clients and started to grow the business. Whitney is a year old now and I can't keep up with the workload finding its way to my desk. A lot of my work over the last few months has involved site visits all throughout the northeast and I've spent a lot of time driving all around New England.

I was spending long days behind the steering wheel and quickly decided to always pack my running sneakers and a sports bra when I headed out the door in the morning. My goal was to try to find a new place to stretch my legs in between jobs, a way to stay active and do a little bit of Katie Wandering in the meantime. It's been a fun way to prioritize my workouts and give them a little refresh with a change of scenery. It's also led me to check out some pretty cool spaces and places, especially the designated rec paths throughout New England. 

So I guess this was the long roundabout way of saying "I went to Boston for work and ran the Charles River Rec Path while I was there". 

I was in the city in May, on one of the first really warm summery days in New England for the year. I just finished a site assessment at a building right in the heart of Boston and I was eager to get out in the sunshine after a long day of driving to sites around the city. 

There was something so special about that first warm day and seeing the city really come alive. I know New York gets a lot of love but Boston is just so much cleaner and prettier to me. The brick buildings and longstanding history make this city special. I put on my running sneakers and left the Back Bay area, heading north to the trails that border the Charles River. I was greeted by dogs and runners, walkers and bikers, people laying out in the shade, and couples sitting out on the docks in the sun. The energy of the city was contagious as everyone soaked up the spring sun and watched the trees and flowers come back to life. 

My original plan was to run the 5(ish) mile loop from the bridge and run along the River, over the other bridge, along the other side of the Charles, and back. You could also run the section along Commonwealth Ave, into the Public Garden and Boston Commons. The path extends along the Charles River and if you head out on two wheels, you can follow the Charles River Bike Path all the way out to the Blue Heron Bike Path in Waltham and back, a 25ish mile loop from Waltham to Boston. 

Sometimes we forget about the magical places right in our "backyard". We always feel the itch the travel and start looking at flight prices or planning epic road trips throughout the area. I forgot that we have gems like Boston and New York just a 2-hour drive or train ride away. After my run, I called Adam and told him that a trip back to Boston with Whitney was on my summer list. A few hours at the aquarium, a ride on the swan boats, a walk along the Charles and a ride on the carousel sounds like a pretty wonderful way to spend the day. 

Take my advice and always keep a pair of sneakers and workout clothes in a corner if your car. A quick google sarch and a little bit of motivation can take you to some pretty special parks and recreation paths throughout the northeast. If you find yourself in Boston, this tiny slice of paradise is the perfect escape from city traffic. Head out on foot or grab a bike and experience just how quaint this city is, especially along the waterfront.

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