
Monday, April 27, 2015

Motivational Monday 4/20 to 4/26

It was another busy week.  Like CHAOS!  I had finals, last week of classes.  Just chaos!  I am officially on 3+ weeks without a day off.  BUT THE END IS IN SIGHT!  Wednesday is my first day off and Thursday I fly home!

So lets talk about my running! 

I only got in two days this week.  Tuesdays 4 miles and Fridays 16.  I moved my long run to Friday morning because I knew I was going to be working long hours all weekend. 

Monday:  Off 
Tuesday:  4 miles 
Wednesday TIU HIIT workout 
Thursday: Off 
Friday: 16 miles 
Although I didnt get to run this weekend, my phone tracks my steps and clocked about 6 miles each day from all my running around at the restaurant.  That has to count for something! 

I am really excited for things to SLOW DOWN.  The past few weeks everything piled up.  It has been a hard semester for graduate school.  One job started before the other one could end.  I was still nannying twice a week, waitress on the weekends and on Tuesdays, as well as working for the consulting firm, coaching Girls On The Run, and finishing my certification to teach fitness classes.

Fitness training over, no more nannying, and my semester ends Wednesday!  Things are looking up! 

And.. some views from my run.  Because 16 miles is really far and lots of time for pictures. 

Happy Spring from Salt Lake City and Happy Running! 


  1. Replies
    1. I cant wait too! I have to do an 8-10 this weekend? Whats your running agenda!

    2. I'm running a 5K with Tracy (I think anyway, she's been sick) on Sat and then doing 6 more when I get home to make my 9. Kinda cheating, but it'll do. Wanna join? 5K is at 10. I don't wanna run near Tracy's cause you remember... MOUNTAINS!


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