
Thursday, July 17, 2014

3 mile Tuesday

I am so happy to report that Olive and I finally hopped back onto the running band wagon.  The stomach bug is gone and the legs were willing!  Took a few minutes to get the brain on board but when I did, it turned out to be an awesome run!  At about 11:30, we laced up my NEW newtons (I had an extra pair waiting in the box for the past 5 months) and went out on a 3 mile out and back down to the beach.   

The run started off feeling a little stiff, but as you can see by my splits, I warmed up and pushed forward!  I had negative splits and even had my last mile down to 8:09.

Did I mention it was 100 % humidity out and felt like I was running through a swimming pool?   And that this was a RUNCH and I had to go back to work looking like a drowned dog.....

Regardless of the humidity and my sweatyness (should be a word)  I was so happy with my time, especially after taking time off, and can't wait to see more improvements on the Garmin.  It feels really good to flirt with a sub 8:00 minute mile ;) 

Did you run in the humidity this week?   
How do you stay cool?


  1. Machine!
    Nice work! I'm hoping to lace up tomorrow morning. Or maybe tonight if I don't waste too much time in ponyland. Either way, I'd be stoked with a sub 10 min mile ;)

    1. Thanks!!! lace up and I hope you have a good run :) less humid today!

  2. I am OBSESSED with those sneakers!! I go on a 2-mile walk at lunch on work days (no running for me, thank you!) and I know exactly what you mean about being sticky and gross returning to work.. but still worth it! It makes the day go by so much quicker when you get a bit of exercise and fresh air :)


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