
Monday, June 9, 2014

Weekly Recap June 2nd to June 8th and new goals!

Weekly Recap:
June 2nd to June 8th. 

I set my work out goals for the week ahead of time and for the second time in row, I stuck with them all.  Despite some rain, despite a friend not showing up to boot camp, despite 4:30 alarms, and despite really not wanting to at times, I made it to all scheduled workout and I am giving myself a pat on the back for that.

Making my goals a week ahead of time 
and confessing them here, seems to really be helping. 

Last weeks accomplished goals/workouts. 

Monday:  Kayak  - 1 hour kayak to loosen up some sore muscles after Sunday body pump
Tuesday:  3 mile run-  easy three mile run with Liz.  Stopped half way to do our stem abs and arm routine. 
Wednesday- 5:15 HIIT class.  Up bright and early with Hannah and Tori for the 45 minute HIIT class. 
Thursday- 5 mile run-  Really humid 5 mile run with some rain, with Olive!
Friday-  Tabatta class.  One hour Tabatta class with Liz. 
Saturday- Boot camp.  8 am super sweaty boot camp workout. 
Sunday- (Horse show) off 

By the time Friday rolled around I was so happy to relax and celebrate with some friends.

Oh, and drink this well earned delicious humongous Beerita 
from the marina bar at Saybrook Point Inn. 

Saturday I made it to the 8am boot camp class.  If you recall my post about my first boot camp / crossfit style class you know that I really struggled and was nervous to go back.  Well, I couldn't make Sunday's body pump so I sucked it up and made it to boot camp.  It wasn't a partner workout this time but was just as hard.

The workout consisted of  a warm up with jump rope, mountain climbers, and push ups, and then the workout started.  Three rounds with set numbers of:  Push ups, Alternating push ups, tricep push ups, decline push ups, 
broad jumps, hop overs, air squats, alternating squats, and then one round of a set number of:  sit ups, kettle ball swings, jump squats, box jumps, and candlesticks with 15 clean and presses between each workout.  I may be missing an exercise or two in there but that was the majority of the torture.  A great workout but again, a REALLY hard (and sweaty) workout.  No pain no gain, right?

I spent the rest of my Saturday with my family at a cookout and house warming party for my sister and brother in law to celebrate their new house.  They put a lot of work into renovating an old house so it was fun to celebrate and see the finished (work in) progress.

Sunday I spent the entire day at a realllly hot and buggy horse show where my horse was a complete jerk.  So- Sunday, was a long day of horse showing, followed by drinks with my sister and friends at a restaurant/bar on the water. 

Well, getting back on track with this post,
 I wanted to set up my goals for this following week!

Monday:  5pm HIIT class
Tuesday: 3 mile run
Wednesday:  5am HIIT class & Scuba!
Thursday: 5 mile run
Friday:  Tabatta
Saturday:  Lizs shower- day off- maybe evening kayak
Sunday:  8 am Body Pump 

Four days of classes, two days of running, and a rest day.

What are your workout/fitness goals for the week?


  1. Nice work! Now that I have new sneakers, I'm pretty excited to get back to running too! Sorry Bradley was a butthead :( Hopefully he'll be better next time!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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