
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Lets go streaking

Good morning from the (not so) lovely city of Bridgeport Connecticut. 35° today feels like a heat wave compared to yesterday's 26° with wind (felt like 19°) .

I have been managing to sneak in a run every day this week (so far). Granted, it's only Thursday.

Monday, Olive and I went out for a 5 mile run around Old Lyme with a few hills. Tuesday Olive and I went out for a really slow and cold 3 miles around flat old Saybrook. Wednesday I snuck in 3 flat miles with some speed work/ intervals before meeting my friends out for a drink and my family for dinner. I am feeling a hill workout today.

I have been trying to really up my "running game" to try to get a head start for the holidays. Few extra miles now to make up with the few extra pies later. "Beat the bulge". Catchy, isn't it?

This concept got me thinking. Why wait until January for the self loathing and extra pounds on the scale. Why not try to get in better shape now instead of raising my fork and the white flag?

When I opened up the December 2013 issue of Runner's World, I was convinced. I read the article about "streaking", a holiday running streak (link below).

"Stay fit and motivated during the busy (and calorie-filled) holiday season by pledging to run at least one mile every day, Thanksgiving through New Year's".

Discipline and a routine throughout the chaotic holiday season. Sounds like something I could really use.

I have never been a run everyday sort of person- so I have been using this week as a test drive, running every day and see how these old legs respond. So far so good- a little sore but not crippled. Always a good sign.

So my question now is: anyone else want to beat the bulge? Or do some holiday "streaking"? Strength (and motivation) in numbers- who is with me? Let me know if you want to commit to the holiday streak with me.

It's going to be fun (most of the time....)


  1. LOVE THIS IDEA! And trust me I need the motivation because trying on my own just isn't working. Maybe we can find a group running log online to keep us honest? Let me know when you want to start!

  2. Yes! So glad you are on board- I started Monday but we can officially start this coming Monday or thanksgiving - you pick!

  3. I would join you, however I'm really old and running everyday will cripple me. BUT I do want to stick with at least 3 days a week. Perhaps you can shed some extra calories for me?

  4. Stacie- you are very right- I ran Monday through Friday and spent Saturday Sunday with ice and shin splints - so these legs aren't digging the every day thing either- maybe a safer bet is to do something active/workout every day (can make it AtLeast 3 days of running) so I'm not crippled haha even just running a mile or two my shins were screaming (sneakers are also over due....)


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