
Monday, February 28, 2011


Hello Everyone!  I see this post is SUPER popular!  Check out my most recent post with Tips as well! I wrote this set of tips after running the Ragnar and included some great additional tips!

We still have about 2.5- 3 months until the race.  I have been looking up some tips online from runners who have participated in the Ragnar, here is some advice I found online at This was for a different race but the tips are still pretty good.

 Register early. Registration will fill up fast. Most 2010 teams pre-registered for 2011 at the Canyons resort finish line and after-party in Park City. New teams interested in registering for next year's Utah race can visit on July 3.   (CHECK!)
* Train Smart. I didn't train well, which left me less prepared for my middle-of-the-day, uphill run. Standard Ragnar prep advice always includes running hills and running two-a-days (morning run and evening run), but next year I'll practice running during warmer weather in the middle of the day and practice running with a better food and water schedule.
* Bring plenty of clothing changes and Ziploc bags. Luckily, we got this advice before the race. You'll be glad to change into clean running clothes after each run. And, your van will smell much nicer if you zip up your sweaty gear in Ziploc bags (wet wipes and bath-and-body sprays are great for freshening up, too).
* Bring plenty of food. And not just energy bars and Gu. We were glad to have fresh fruit, plenty of water, bagels, sandwich meats, veggies and trail mix.
* Bring extra toilet paper. Port-a-Potty lines get L-O-N-G and occasionally, just when you get your moment in the outhouse, it runs out of toilet paper. Overall, staff were great to keep the "honebuckets" stocked and clean, but, I was glad on two occasions to have brought toilet paper! (I'm an expert now on Ragnar Port-a-Potties -- I think I found every single one from Logan to Park City!)
* Pack Immodium AD. "AD" stands for "advanced" -- trust me, someone is going to need it!
* Have a "designated" driver. We were VERY glad to have a non-runner driver. Our driver could focus on supporting the runners without getting too exhausted and stressed. Our driver's enthusiasm energized the rest of us runners and allowed us to focus on the race!
(not sure if this is a good idea- thats another body in an already crowded van)
* Take advantage of the school resting exchanges. Our second exchange took place at about 1 a.m. near North Summit High School (Coalville) where for $2 we got to take a warm shower and rest in sleeping bags on the band-room floor. The room was dark and quiet (except for one snorer), and the accommodations were much nicer than sleeping in a parking lot or in the van.
* Plan to have fun. Although the runs are hard and sometimes stressful, the exchange points are happy, and the energy of runners is contagious. You can count every year on a dude in a Speedo, someone running in a tutu, the van of ladies running in pleather and at least a handful of people running with purple hair!
* Finally, enjoy the scenery! Several of our van runners commented that one of the best parts of the run is the beautiful scenery. 

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