
Friday, July 28, 2023

Summer Weekend in Stratton, Vermont

It's funny how we think we need big trips to make big memories. We think of epic trips to Hawaii, backpacking around Europe, and cross country road trips. As we adjust to life with two young kids, we are always trying to find ways to make big memories, with them and for them. While that trip abroad certainly made the cut for a "big memory", as I was walking up the gravel driveway to our rented A-frame cabin in Stratton, Vermont after a run, I realized this trip did too. It was a 2.5 hour road trip to the Green Mountain state that made the big memory. For my kids, it was another opportunity to enjoy a few days with both of their grandparents in the same place. For me, it was my 2.5 year old running up the driveway with our two dogs in tow while my sweet little 5 month old napped inside.