
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Turkey Trotting

Its that time of year again!  Madison 5 mile Turkey trot.  I have been doing it for y.e.a.r.s and sadly have lost count! This year I decided to run it with my good friend Stacie.  She is much better at pacing herself and I could enjoy a nice leisurely run on a sunny day instead of racing the clock.

Running the turkey trot every year:
a) allows me to eat guilt free that day (sort of)
b) motivates me to run throughout November
c) motivates me to keep running because hey I just ran 5 miles !
d) a nice way to catch up with friends from town and watch all of my old teachers twice my age beat me.

The turkey trot is a great race-  five miles of flat road surface along the water- and because of that, has turned into a very popular event.  What this means is large crowds of people on the race course and sitting in your car for an hour plus trying to leave post race.  The good thing is that this year, the weather was P E R F E C T almost too warm, and the beer was tasty and ice cold.

I chose to wear bright and obnoxious neon socks to go with my bright and obnoxious new Newtons.  Some guy told me I got the "best socks award"  Thanks bud?

Yep they were that bright and that obnoxious :)

The race went smoothly and quickly.  Running at a nice 10+ minute mile pace during a race was unexpectedly awesome.  I crossed the finish line feeling like I could run another five instead of being winded and hating running.  I should try this slow and steady thing more often.

Instead of getting dressed up and going to Massachusetts to visit family, I decided to run the turkey trot, have a riding lesson in Lyme, and make my own turkey, sides, and thanksgiving this year.

I spent the day relaxing with Thatcher and my dog Olive, eating good food and napping on the couch.  I recommend being a rebel and blowing off your family JUST ONCE to relax and catch up on some sleep :)

Time to find some more races in the area to stay motivated.  Thinking about doing the Savin Rock Half Marathon again in March.  We Will See!

Time to get into some sort of a running schedule!